コロキウム / Colloquium

当宇宙進化グループでのセミナーを希望される方は、 2024年度セミナー係の藤原 立貴 (fujiwara) か水谷 耕介 (mizutani) までご一報ください (あっとastro-osaka.jp をつけてください)。

If you would like to present an OUTAP colloquium, please contact Tatsuki FUJIWARA (fujiwara), or Kosuke MIZUTANI (mizutani). You will need to append _at_astro-osaka.jp to the email.

直近の宇宙進化コロキウム / Next OUTAP Colloquium

Date Location Speaker Title
07/03 (水/Wed) 14:00 F608 Dr. Yuh Tsunetoe (Harvard University) TBD
06/05 (水/Wed) 14:00 F608 Ms. Anastasiia Omeliukh (Ruhr University Bochum) Modeling neutrino emission from blazars
05/29 (水/Wed) 14:00 F608 Dr. Hiddo Algera (Hiroshima University/NAOJ) The dust properties of high-redshift galaxies
05/23 (木/Thu) 14:00 F313 Dr. Jennifer Y. H. Chan (Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics) Decoding the Universe’s First Billion Years with Cosmological 21-cm Line Radiative Transfer
05/22 (水/Wed) 14:00 F608 Dr. Alvina Y. L. On (National Center for Theoretical Sciences) Listening to the radio symphony of cosmic magnetic fields
05/15 (水/Wed) 14:00 F608 Dr. Garaldi Enrico (IFPU/Osaka University) Towards a complete picture of early structure formation using radiation-hydrodynamical simulations
05/08 (水/Wed) 14:00 F608 Prof. Shinsuke Takasao (Osaka University) Global 3D MHD simulation of accretion onto a protostar from a magnetized, turbulent disk
05/01 (水/Wed) 14:00 F608 Prof. emeritus Hideaki Takabe (Osaka University) Laboratory Astrophysics and Fusion Physics with Intense Lasers
04/24 (水/Wed) 14:00 F608 Dr. Ryota Tomaru (Osaka University) Accretion disk winds from X-ray binaries: Tests for those driving mechanisms and motivation of a physical model for AGN feedback
04/17 (水/Wed) 14:00 F608 Dr. Akihiro Inoue (Osaka University) General relativistic radiation MHD simulations of super-Eddington accretion flows onto the magnetized neutron star
